The winner of 'India's Best Dancer Season 4' has been announced, and it's Steve Zirva from Shillong. Not only did Steve clinch the trophy, but he also drove away with a gleaming car and pocketed a prize money of 1.5 million rupees. His choreographer, Raktim Thakur, also received a reward of 500,000 rupees.
Steve faced stiff competition in the finals with Harsh Kesari, Nexion, Nepo, Akanksha Mishra aka Akina, and Aditya Malaviya. However, Steve's outstanding performance won hearts, justifying his victory.
Steve Earns the Winning Title
This season, Karisma Kapoor made her judging debut on TV on India’s Best Dancer, alongside Geeta Kapoor and Terence Lewis as part of the judging panel. The vibrant dance reality show was hosted by Jay Bhanushali and Aniket Chauhan.
Expressing happiness over Steve's victory, Karisma said,