An incident in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh, has left everyone in shock — a murder that sends chills down the spine. In the village of Kabiruddinpur, falling under Gaurabadshahpur police jurisdiction, a young man was brutally beheaded with a sword. His distraught mother held his severed head in her lap, weeping uncontrollably. The horrific scene left villagers trembling. Tensions flared in the area, leading enraged villagers to take to the streets. Following the incident, chaos ensued within the administration with high-ranking officials such as the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police rushing to the scene. Samajwadi Party leader Akhilesh Yadav also remarked on the episode.
According to sources, the victim was identified as Anurag Yadav, an intermediate student and a Taekwondo player. He had previously won a bronze medal in Chandauli's Indo-Nepal International Taekwondo Competition and a silver medal in an Open National event in Noida. As news of his murder spread, people flooded the streets in protest.
A Murder Near Home, Neighbor Accused
It’s been reported that on this fateful Wednesday morning, Anurag Yadav was brushing his teeth outside his home in Kabiruddinpur village. A neighbor allegedly approached carrying a sword and severed Anurag’s head from his body. After executing the act, the perpetrator fled the scene. According to the police, neighbors Lalata Yadav and his son Ramesh are accused of attacking Anurag.
A 40-Year-Old Land Dispute
Speaking about the incident, SP Dr. Ajay Pal Sharma revealed that an ongoing 40-year-old land dispute between two neighboring factions led to the young man's murder. Charges have been filed against the accused, with legal actions underway. Forces remain stationed at the site.
Meanwhile, DM Dinesh Chandra has commented that the perpetrator will face stringent consequences. The dispute over land had persisted for 40 years and was under civil court adjudication. This incident led to murder over the same land disagreement, and a magisterial investigation has been called forth. The investigation has been entrusted to the Additional District Magistrate of Finance and Revenue, with a report expected within three days to guide further stringent actions.
Elsewhere, Kabiruddinpur's village head shared that a long-standing conflict revolved around a piece of village society land nearby. This morning, when Anurag was outdoors brushing his teeth, the neighbor attacked with a sword, severing his head. The assailant fled the scene immediately. Anurag, the only brother among four sisters, leaves a profound loss.
What Did Akhilesh Say?
On Jaunpur's incident, Akhilesh Yadav wrote on 'X': "Today's government and crime share a paradoxical relationship. On one side, they walk hand in hand; on the other, as the government becomes weaker and more inactive, the criminals grow stronger and more active. UP demands no BJP in tomorrow's scene."