In Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, a newlywed bride lost her life when a geyser exploded while she was bathing. She had joined her husband's family only five days ago, and the early morning accident shocked everyone to their core. Her family rushed to the in-laws' home upon receiving the news, while the police arrived to take charge of the body and send it for post-mortem.
According to available information, this tragic incident occurred in Mirganj area, Bareilly, where the geyser explosion claimed the life of a young bride. Panic ensued within the house and the neighbors gathered quickly. Unfortunately, by the time she could be taken to the hospital, she had already passed away. Her family, upon hearing the news, hurried to her in-law's place.
Married on November 22, Passed Away on the 27th
Reports reveal that the groom Deepak, residing in the Bhojipura area of Bareilly, married Damini, daughter of Surajpal from Bulandshahr, on November 22. Last Wednesday, Damini went to bathe, but didn't come out for a long time, raising suspicion among family members.
Deepak repeatedly called out to Damini, but she neither responded nor opened the bathroom door. Eventually, the family broke open the door and were aghast at what they saw. Damini lay critically injured on the floor due to the geyser blast.
Sudden Geyser Explosion Claims Life
The family found Damini unconscious on the bathroom floor, with the geyser completely damaged from the blast. Shocked by the scene, they rushed her to the hospital where she was declared dead by doctors. The police were informed, and they took the body into custody for post-mortem.
Her in-laws stated that they panicked when Damini did not open the bathroom door for an extended period. Despite repeatedly calling her, there was no response, prompting them to forcibly open the door, which revealed the harrowing sight.
Reasons for Geyser Explosion:
1. Leaving the geyser on for too long causes overheating and pressure build-up.
2. A malfunctioning valve designed to release excess pressure can lead to blasts or leaks.
3. It's essential to check the power indicator. Keeping the geyser on for long periods increases the risk of explosion.
4. A broken thermostat prevents the geyser from regulating water temperature, causing continuous pressure build-up until an explosion occurs.
Shubham Dixit, an electronic engineer, stated that the geyser blast could result from improper gas leakage or a faulty gas igniter, causing gas to leak repeatedly and ignite upon contact with a spark. Frequent gas leakage and a lack of ventilation in the bathroom can also lead to reduced oxygen levels, resulting in suffocation. Proper ventilation in geyser-equipped bathrooms is critical, especially during winters.