Renowned South Indian and Bollywood actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu has shared the heartbreaking news of her father's passing. In an emotional post on social media, Samantha added a broken heart emoji, conveying her deep sorrow during this challenging time. This tragedy strikes as Samantha bravely battles the severe autoimmune disease, Myositis, a fight she's been waging for years. Furthermore, her divorce from actor Naga Chaitanya a few years back was another significant ordeal she overcame with resilience. In these trying times, the unexpected loss of her father adds to her grief.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu was born in Chennai to Joseph and Ninette Prabhu. She has often spoken about the instrumental role her parents played in her upbringing and journey to stardom. Joseph, who was Anglo-Indian, had a profound influence in Samantha's life. Recently, Samantha talked about the bond she shared with her father, revealing that her childhood insecurities stemmed from his harsh words.
The Bond Between Samantha and Her Father
In an interview with Galatta India, Samantha mentioned, 'All my life, I had to fight for validation. My father was just like any other Indian parent. They believe they are protecting you when they say things like - you're not that smart. My father did say that to me - you're not that smart.' Despite fighting for validation throughout her life, Samantha has been humbled by the subsequent praise she received for her work, struggling initially to accept it as genuine.
The news of Samantha's divorce from Naga Chaitanya in 2021 deeply affected her father, Joseph Prabhu. Instead of issuing a statement, Joseph expressed his emotions poetically on Facebook when reports of the separation emerged.
Joseph Prabhu on His Daughter's Divorce
Joseph penned, 'There once was a story, but it is no more. Let's write a new story, and a new chapter.' This post, shared in 2022, reflected on an old memory with a friend which included wedding photos of Samantha and Chaitanya. The post's viral nature prompted Joseph to thank people for their feelings, adding, 'Thank you for your feelings. Yes, I’ve been sitting for a long time to let my feelings subside. Life is too short to sit with these feelings and let them weigh you down.'
Naga Chaitanya's Upcoming Nuptials
Samantha Ruth Prabhu and Naga Chaitanya wed in October 2017, blending Hindu and Christian traditions. Four years later, in October 2021, they announced their decision to part ways amicably. Three years following their separation, Naga Chaitanya is set to marry actress Sobhita Dhulipala. Their wedding is scheduled for December 4 in Hyderabad.