Israeli Forces Carry Out Airstrikes, Commando Operations in Syria, Capturing Iranian Officials

Israeli commandos executed a deadly attack on Syria involving airstrikes by fighter jets and helicopters, targeting a scientific research center and capturing Iranian officials along with equipment and documents, followed by missile strikes causing significant devastation.
Airstrike in Masyaf, Israeli forces in Syria, Iranian officials captured

Source: aajtak

Israeli commandos infiltrated Syria and kidnapped Iranian officials on September 9. The operation took place in the Masyaf and Hama regions, home to Iran-backed militant groups. Initially, airstrikes were carried out, followed by ground operations and missile attacks. Syrian TV documented the entire event in a graphic video...

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The commandos blew up the scientific research center in Masyaf, devastated the Sheikh Ghadeban area, and destroyed the road between Masyaf and Wadi Al-Uyun. Ten building blocks in the Masyaf and Hama regions were completely leveled. During this operation, Israeli commandos captured two to four Iranian officials.

Also Read:
Airstrike in Masyaf, Israeli forces in Syria, Iranian officials captured

Source: aajtak

The assault began with fighter jets causing havoc in Masyaf and Hama, followed by helicopter-grounded commandos who abducted the Iranian officials along with crucial equipment and documents from the research center. The center’s guards were overwhelmed and neutralized.

The Captured Iranian Officials Were Experts

It is believed that the kidnapped Iranian officials were experts in various fields. The center from which they were abducted is a chemical research facility used jointly by Iran and Syria. Regular meetings involving Syrian government officials and Iranian Revolutionary Guard officers are held in this area.

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Airstrike aftermath, Israeli commandos, Syrian and Iranian implications

Source: aajtak

Military Lockdown in Masyaf-Hama, 43 Airstrikes This Year

Following the attack, security has been heavily tightened in the region with a state of lockdown in place. Israel has conducted 43 airstrikes this year alone against Iran-supported terrorist groups in Syria. The deadliest attack occurred on September 9, 2024, targeting 15 military sites, resulting in 18 deaths and 37 injuries.

Research Centers Manufactured Drones and Rockets

The research centers in Masyaf and Hama were used for the production of drones and rockets. Prior to this, on April 1, 2024, Israel had launched an attack in Damascus, killing two Iranian generals alongside five others. The targeting of senior Iranian military officials by Israel began on October 7, 2023.

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