For the upcoming Haryana Assembly elections, Congress has revealed its first list of candidates, comprising 31 names. Wrestler Vinesh Phogat has entered the race from Julana. Bhupinder Singh Hooda will contest from Garhi Sampla-Kiloi, Rao Dan Singh from Mahendragarh, Aftab Ahmad from Nuh, Uday Bhan from Hodal, and the current Badli MLA, Kuldeep Vats, has been given a ticket.
The Julana Contest Heats Up
Congress has fielded Vinesh Phogat in the Julana Assembly seat, making the contest more exciting. In 2019, Amarjit Danda from the JJP contested and garnered 61,942 votes, while the BJP received 37,749 votes, leading to a JJP victory by 24,193 votes.
In 2019, the JJP unlocked the Assembly seat and ruled for four and a half years in coalition with the BJP, with JJP leader Dushyant Chautala serving as the Deputy Chief Minister.
Congress Gains Strength in Julana
Congress now seems stronger in the Julana Assembly seat. The party has chosen Olympic athlete Vinesh Phogat as their candidate. Vinesh Phogat was disqualified from the finals of the Paris Olympics due to being 100 grams overweight. When she returned to India, MP Deepender Singh Hooda welcomed her at Delhi airport and accompanied her to Badli in Gurugram.
Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia Join Congress
Wrestlers Vinesh Phogat and Bajrang Punia have joined the Congress today. They met Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge at his residence on Rajaji Road. Following this, they joined Congress at the AICC headquarters in the presence of General Secretary (Organisation) KC Venugopal, AICC General Secretary in charge of Haryana Deepak Babaria, Haryana Congress chief Uday Bhan, and the head of Congress Media and Publicity Department, Pawan Khera.
What Did Vinesh Phogat Say After Joining Congress?
After joining Congress, Vinesh Phogat expressed her gratitude, stating that while the BJP supported Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Congress stood with the protesting wrestlers during their