On Thursday afternoon, a boiler explosion rocked the Medley Bakers factory in Agra, Uttar Pradesh. The tragic incident severely injured 13 workers. A video lasting 1 minute and 12 seconds has emerged, capturing the harrowing scene of injured workers begging for help on the streets. Police officers can also be seen responding to the emergency, rushing the injured to the hospital for treatment.
The factory, situated in Agra's Hariparvat Transport Nagar, was in full swing with bakery operations when the explosion occurred at around 2 PM. The blast ignited a fire, engulfing the premises and trapping 13 workers in its grasp.
Authorities swiftly alerted the fire brigade, with police and firefighters promptly arriving to rescue the victims. Additional Police Commissioner Sanjeev Tyagi disclosed that the incident occurred in the Transport Nagar Chowk sector of Hariparvat, where the Medley Bakers unit is located. The boiler explosion during work hours resulted in serious injuries to 13 individuals, who were immediately admitted to a hospital for medical care. One person's condition remains critical. Information is being gathered from the factory manager, Jitendra, as further legal proceedings are underway.
Outrage has erupted among the locals, blaming the bakery owner's negligence for the disaster. The absence of safety measures in the factory was evident, leading to a scene filled with smoke and chaos. The grievously injured workers were in dire agony, presenting a horrific spectacle. Currently, the situation has calmed down, as authorities work to restore order.