A shocking incident occurred late at night when Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder inside his own home. Reports suggest the incident happened around 2 AM, with the attacker managing to break in with intentions of theft. During a scuffle in the children's room, Saif faced the assailant's aggression six times.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
Saif Ali Khan resides in one of Mumbai's most upscale areas, sharing neighborhood space with superstars like Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan, and Alia Bhatt. The attack raises concerning questions about how such a breach could occur in such a high-end locality. Police are actively investigating the incident by inspecting Saif's residence, which is known for its architectural beauty. Here's a glimpse of their stunning home.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
Saif, along with his wife, actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their two children, live in Bandra. Their lavish apartment is perched on the 7th floor and boasts a spacious and grand living area.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
The interiors of Saif's home reflect his Nawabi heritage, with countless cherished moments shared with his family. Kareena frequently shares glimpses of these treasured times on her social media accounts.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
The expansive living room is a hub for family activities, where Saif often unwinds and enjoys playful moments with his children, Taimur and Jeh.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
Kareena is no stranger to hosting vibrant parties with her friends. Her social media posts frequently showcase these lively gatherings at their home.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
Dedicated spaces for yoga and exercise are part of Saif's residence, where Kareena often practices her yoga routines. Saif also enjoys working out there with his kids.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
The central courtyard of Saif's home is where the family celebrates numerous festivals and birthdays. The charming checkered marble floor is a standout feature in many photos.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
A personal library filled with an impressive collection of books is part of Saif's abode, highlighting his well-known passion for reading.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan
The attack at Saif's residence has escalated concerns and the incident has become a grave matter. Images of Kareena's home often go viral on social media, where she is regularly seen greeting paparazzi.
Photo Credit: @kareenakapoorkhan