For the first time, UP police have released a video of the Sultanpur robbery case, featuring CCTV footage and images of the criminals involved. 15 days after the incident, DGP of UP police revealed that Ankit, Arbaz, Mangesh Yadav, Anuj Pratap Singh, and Furqan entered the shop to commit the robbery. The video shows that Anuj was the first to enter the shop, while Mangesh Yadav was wearing a helmet.
DGP Prashant Kumar, ADG Law and Order Amitabh Yash, and ADG Zone held a joint press conference to discuss the video. They explained that Anuj Pratap Singh, wearing a white cloth and white shirt, was the first to step inside the shop. Mangesh, who was killed in an encounter, entered third, brandishing a pistol and threatening people. Additionally, he warned anyone in the shop who moved that they would be shot. The video also shows Furqan, wearing a black helmet and armed with a pistol, filling loot bags along with Ankit Yadav.
Mangesh Yadav involved in Sultanpur robbery... DGP presents evidence, says police don’t work based on caste
Amidst questions regarding Mangesh Yadav's encounter, UP DGP Prashant Kumar stated that the police do not consider caste or any other factors when carrying out their duties. He emphasized that there is sufficient evidence against those involved in the Sultanpur incident, including Mangesh Yadav. The police action was impartial and evidence-based. DGP showed CCTV footage to affirm that Mangesh himself was actively involved in the robbery.
'Mangesh Yadav was murdered', says Akhilesh Yadav on Sultanpur encounter
Robberies in Lucknow and Surat prior to Sultanpur
ADG Law and Order Amitabh Yash disclosed that on August 28, Vipin Singh’s gang carried out a multi-million rupee robbery in Sultanpur. The same gang had previously committed robberies in Lucknow and Surat. The motorcycle used in the robbery was stolen from Jaunpur, with Mangesh Yadav playing a major role. A Bolero was used for their escape. After the arrests, silver, gold, and cash loot were recovered. Ankit, Arbaz, Furqan, Ajay, and Anuj Pratap Singh are still at large. Following Vipin Singh's interrogation, Durgesh, Arvind Yadav, and Vivek Singh were arrested.