As nominations for the Maharashtra Assembly elections concluded, election campaigns have gained momentum. Amidst this, a controversial statement was made by Arvind Sawant, an MP from Uddhav's Shiv Sena, against Eknath Shinde's candidate Shaina NC. Arvind questioned Shaina's candidacy from the Shinde group by stating that 'imported goods' do not work in their elections. This comment has sparked a dispute, with Shaina responding firmly by asserting, 'I'm a woman, not just goods.'
Indeed, Eknath Shinde's Shiv Sena has declared Shaina NC as their candidate for the Mumbadevi seat, set to face off against Congress's Amin Patel. Shaina, a celebrated fashion designer, is a well-known personality in Mumbai's social circuit. Following her party's decision, Shaina has left BJP, where she previously served as a spokesperson.
'Imported Goods Won't Work Here...'
Upon Shaina being named as the Maha Vikas candidate, Arvind Sawant remarked, 'Look at their condition. Someone who has spent their life in the BJP has ticket from Shinde Sena. Imported won't work here. Original goods are preferred, and Amin Patel is the original candidate.'
'Can't Even Respect a Woman'
Responding to Sawant's comments, Shaina expressed strong disapproval. Shaina NC remarked, 'You can't respect a woman? A competent professional stepping into politics? And you use such words? We worked for you in 2014 and 2019 under Modi Ji's leadership, and look where you are now. Your downfall is due to addressing a woman as mere goods.'
'I'm a Woman, Not Just Goods'
Shaina emphasized that no woman will stay silent about her dignity. She warned that Sawant underestimates the resolve of a woman like her, predicting public backlash for him. She highlighted his lack of respect, later tweeting, 'I'm a woman, not just goods.'
BJP Calls Statement Painful
BJP leader Ravi Shankar Prasad expressed displeasure over Sawant's remarks, stating, 'It pains me to see and hear this statement. It is shameful and condemnable. We denounce such remarks about a political woman.'
There were initial speculations that BJP might nominate Shaina NC from the Worli seat, but when this seat was handed over to the Eknath camp, they fielded Milind Deora. Consequently, Shiv Sena fielded Shaina from the Mumbadevi seat.
Amid initial disagreements and eventual consensus over seat sharing in Mahavikas Aghadi, Arvind Sawant highlighted the significance of large parties coming together, dismissing minor discrepancies. He likened various political leaders nominating over time, from Gandhi to Shivaji, mentioning three-time election winner Amin Patel. He condemned BJP for allegedly dividing communities, demanding tangible work rather than narratives.
Sawant expressed pity over Milind Deora's candidacy from the Worli seat, noting his father's lifelong Congress affiliation and questioning Milind's shifting loyalties despite being a sitting Rajya Sabha member. He criticized their lack of community engagement, especially during the COVID crisis.