This Thursday morning in Sultanpur, Uttar Pradesh, a wanted criminal with a bounty of 100,000 INR was killed during an encounter with the STF. The confrontation took place at the Hanumanganj bypass under the Dehat Police Station. The slain criminal, Mangesh Yadav, was a prime suspect in the robbery at a jeweler's shop. One of his accomplices managed to flee during the encounter.
On August 28th, a daring robbery worth millions occurred at the Bharat Sarafa jeweler's shop in the crowded Thatheri Bazaar of Sultanpur city. STF's Deputy Superintendent DK Shahi led a team to confront the suspects in Mishrapur Puraena under the Dehat Police Station. The primary suspect, Mangesh Yadav, a resident of Agraura village, Bakhsha Police Station, Jaunpur, opened fire on the police.
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In self-defense, the police returned fire, injuring Mangesh. He was rushed to the nearby CHC Bhadaiyan, where doctors declared him dead. From the spot, the police recovered a .32 bore pistol, cartridges, a .315 bore handmade gun, a motorbike, and stolen jewelry. Mangesh had multiple cases registered against him.
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STF Deputy SP DK Shahi mentioned that on August 28th, during the jeweler's robbery in Sultanpur, they were tasked to investigate. They received information that two criminals were attempting to flee towards Jaunpur. When they tried to intercept them, the criminals fired at the team aiming to kill. The STF retaliated, injuring Mangesh, who later succumbed to his injuries at the hospital.