During an electoral campaign rally in Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh's CM Yogi Adityanath heavily criticized the Hemant Soren government. He compared Alamgir Alam, a former minister in the Soren government, to 'Aurangzeb' following a significant cash seizure from a close associate's residence. CM Yogi stated that just as Aurangzeb plundered the nation, so has Alamgir looted the poor of the state. Additionally, CM Yogi reiterated the slogan 'Divide and be Cut'.
Addressing an electoral rally in Jharkhand, CM Yogi suggested that Aurangzeb had plundered the country and destroyed temples. He argued that there was a minister in the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha who acted similarly—Alamgir Alam—whose home was discovered to hold bundles of notes. This was the misappropriated money of Jharkhand's poor, hoarded through looting.
Further, CM Yogi emphasized that cash was also found in the homes of the minister's servants and relatives. All this money belonged to Jharkhand's citizens, and such a blatant level of robbery is unparalleled.
Stay United and Stay Noble: CM Yogi
Speaking to the public from the podium, CM Yogi implored them to symbolize their strength, not allowing divisions within castes. Some will aim to partition you under caste pretenses, and this is the mission of Congress and the opposition. These groups invite Bangladeshi intruders and Rohingyas, and one day you won't be allowed even to ring bells or conches within your homes. Therefore, stay together and stay virtuous. Indeed, history tells us that whenever divided, we have been ruthlessly cut.
Eradication of Mafia: CM Yogi
Speaking in Jharkhand's Koderma, CM Yogi commented on mafia activities, expressing that since the bulldozers began rolling in UP post-2017, several individuals are now incarcerated, and others have met their end. The mafia has been wiped out in UP, much like horns disappearing from a donkey's head.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has already arrested Alamgir Alam, the former rural development minister in the Soren government. On May 6, ED officers raided locations connected to Alamgir and seized over 300 million rupees in cash. Due to the vast amount of cash, several counting machines were needed. Jewelry and documents were also recovered from Jahangir Alam's flat by the authorities.
Before CM Yogi, Assam's CM Himanta Sarma had also targeted Alamgir Alam. He alleged that the current Soren government has been commandeered by ministers like Irfan Ansari and Alamgir Alam. Despite considerable wealth being recovered from Alamgir's home, Congress still awarded his wife with a ticket. Irfan Ansari continues to make anti-women statements, yet he too receives Congress acknowledgment with a ticket.