Where the Ramlila Begins After Ravana's Burning...

Typically, Ramlilas end with the Ravana burning on Dussehra across the country. However, in the Nawabi town Lucknow's Chowk, a Ramlila tradition of seven decades commences on Dussehra.
File Photo: Ramlila

Source: aajtak

In most places across the country, Ramlilas culminate with the effigy burning of Ravana on Dussehra. Yet, in Lucknow's Chowk, a unique Ramlila that's nearly seven decades old kicks off on this festive day.

For the past 75 years, the Public Ramlila Committee of Lucknow's Chowk area has organized Ramlila starting from Dussehra. This distinctive tradition was founded by Kishan Das Khunkhun Ji, a renowned jeweler from Lucknow.

The committee's General Secretary, Raj Kumar Verma, announced that, like every year, our Ramlila will commence on the day of Ravana's burning (October 14).

Verma shares, "On the first day, similar to other Ramlilas, we'll begin with the Shree Ganesh Vandana followed by the Narad Moh episode. In our Ramlila, Ravana's downfall is scheduled for October 26, and the event will conclude with the Ram Rajya Abhishek on October 28."

Unlike other Ramlilas, Chowk's Ramlila remains a center of attraction for people in and around the capital. Once all other Ramlilas end, audiences eagerly flock to witness the performance at Chowk.

Verma notes, "Though every act delights our viewers, episodes like Shravan Kumar and Ravana-Baanasura are particular highlights. Behind starting this Ramlila on Dussehra is an interesting story."

Treasurer Devendra Rastogi explains, "When other Ramlilas start, Navratri is often ongoing. As these are auspicious days, people engage in significant jewelry shopping. Khunkhunji, a famous jeweler and founder of the Ramlila committee, used to be busy during Navratri and thus began this unique practice of starting the Ramlila post-Dussehra."

Rastogi remarks, "Since this tradition has been around for 75 years, we can't break it. We've upheld starting the Ramlila on Dussehra year after year."

The Public Ramlila Committee stages the Ramlila at Lohia Park situated in Chowk. This year, around 60 performers, all local and amateur actors, will bring the story to life.

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