On Thursday, another criminal involved in the Sultanpur jewelry shop heist encountered the police, resulting in the criminal getting injured. The culprit, identified as Ajay Yadav, who had a bounty of 1 lakh on his head, was shot in the leg. He is currently receiving treatment at the district hospital. Earlier, police encountered and killed another accused in the heist, Mangesh Yadav.
The Robbery Occurred on August 28
So far, the police have arrested 5 criminals in connection with the jewelry shop robbery in Sultanpur. Mangesh Yadav, one of the accused, was killed in a police encounter. All the arrested criminals had a 1 lakh reward each on their heads.
Read more: Why did the Sultanpur jewelers' delegation meet the DGP and STF chief? Find out
The arrested criminals include Arvind Yadav, Durgesh Singh, Vivek Singh, Ajay Yadav, and Vinay Shukla. The heist occurred a week ago on August 28, when robbers struck a jewelry shop situated in the Thathari Bazaar area.
2 Kilograms of Gold Jewelry Recovered
The police have recovered 2 kilograms and 700 grams of diamond-studded gold jewelry looted from the jewelry shop. The Bolero vehicle used as a backup during the heist was also recovered. The owner of the Bolero, Tribhuvan Kori, had already been arrested following an encounter with the police.
Read more: UP Police's Revelation on Sultanpur Loot Case, Says 'We Don't Take Action Based on Caste'
It is noteworthy that on August 28, some masked, armed robbers stormed into Om Ornament shop located in the Thathari Bazaar of Sultanpur. They held the shop owner and customers at gunpoint, carrying out the robbery in broad daylight. One of the accused, Mangesh Yadav, was killed in a subsequent police encounter.