Rare Condition: Bone Formation in Male Private Part Astounds Scientists

A 60-year-old man fell and later reported pain in his private part. Doctors discovered a rare condition where his organ was turning into bone.
A 60-year-old man fe

Source: aajtak

A 60-year-old man experienced a fall, first landing on his knees, then against his lower back. Troubled by pain, he was rushed to the hospital's emergency ward. He explained to the doctors that there was discomfort in his private area. The doctors initially checked for any signs of swelling or fluid discharge, only to find none.

The medical team decided to take X-rays of his lower body to rule out fractures. What they discovered was astonishing - a bone in the region of his private part. This led to the diagnosis of a very rare condition known as Penile Ossification.

This condition causes calcium to deposit within the soft tissues of the organ, leading to abnormal bone formation. When asked if he wanted further treatment, the man declined any more tests or interventions. Doctors explained that treatment typically involves administering painkillers.

Treatment with Shock Wave Therapy

The condition can be managed with shock wave therapy, using sonic waves to break down the bone into smaller pieces. To date, medical literature has documented only 40 such cases, and these rare occurrences are often associated with Peyronie's Disease.

Penile Bone Formation

Source: aajtak

Condition Possible for Men Aged 40 to 70

This condition can affect any male between the ages of 40 and 70. In Peyronie's Disease, tissue in the male reproductive organ becomes inflamed, leading to the formation of new tissue. This can result in erectile dysfunction or cause painful erections. Aging-related kidney diseases, stomach disorders, trauma, or inflammation might contribute to developing this condition.

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