Under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, a pivotal Cabinet meeting took place on Thursday. Several major initiatives were greenlit, including two significant schemes aimed at raising farmers' income ahead of Diwali. Moreover, the Cabinet agreed to grant bonuses to railway employees. Union Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw elaborated on the meeting's decisions, highlighting the approval of the PM National Agricultural Development Scheme alongside several farmer-oriented initiatives. Additionally, approval was given to Chennai Metro Phase-2.
The Union Minister emphasized that the most substantial decision taken in today’s Cabinet meeting concerns elevating farmers' income and ensuring food security for the middle class. It stands on two pillars: the PM National Agricultural Development Scheme and the Krishionti Scheme, with a budget allocation of ₹1,01,321 crore. These encompass nine initiatives, directly impacting farmers' income and middle-class families' meals.
Bonuses for Railway Employees Announced
Additionally, the Cabinet has sanctioned a bonus gift for railway employees in recognition of their exceptional performance. The approval includes the disbursement of bonuses for 78 days, amounting to ₹2028.57 crore, benefiting 11,72,240 railway staff. This bonus will be distributed across multiple categories of railway employees such as track maintainers, loco pilots, train managers (guards), station masters, supervisors, technicians, technician helpers, pointsmen, and ministerial and other Group 'C' employees.
Green Light for Chennai Metro Phase 2
Ashwini Vaishnaw also shared that Chennai Metro Phase 2 has received approval, with a budget of ₹63,246 crore. This phase will cover 119 kilometers and will consist of 120 stations. The costs will be shared equally by the central and state governments. Furthermore, five languages—Marathi, Pali, Prakrit, Assamese, and Bengali—have now been designated as Classical languages. Previously, Tamil, Sanskrit, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, and Odia held the classical language status.