TV actor Nitin Chauhan, who gained fame after winning the reality show 'Dadagiri 2', passed away in Mumbai on Thursday. He was just 35 years old. Originally from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Nitin also won MTV's 'Splitsvilla Season 5'. He made his mark in series like Zindagi Dot Com, Crime Patrol, and Friends, notably gaining widespread recognition from Crime Patrol.
Nitin was last seen in 2022 on Sab TV's show 'Tera Yaar Hoon Main'. His co-stars, Sudeep Sahir and Sayantani Ghosh, confirmed the news of his demise but mentioned they had no further details. Meanwhile, a post by his former co-star, Vibhuti Thakur, stated that Nitin allegedly committed suicide.
Sources report that after receiving news of his death, Nitin's father traveled to Mumbai and will take his body back to Aligarh. Currently, there has been no official statement from the police on the matter. However, the police are investigating the case from all possible angles.