The bustling district of Shahdara in Delhi was shaken by a tragic shooting incident. A local businessman, known for his trade in utensils, was brutally attacked during his morning walk. Eyewitnesses report that as many as seven to eight shots were fired, striking the victim at least four times. Two assailants on a motorcycle executed this heinous crime, leading to the merchant's untimely demise. The Delhi Police are actively investigating this case.
Deputy Commissioner of Police, Prashant Gaut, revealed that a distress call regarding the gunfire was received at the Farsh Bazaar police station. Officers quickly arrived at the scene to find 52-year-old Sunil Jain had been shot and gravely injured. DCP Gaut stated that after enjoying his usual morning exercise at the Yamuna Sports Complex, Jain was on his way home when two shooters on a bike attacked him. A crime scene team was dispatched for thorough investigation.
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Relentless Shooting by Two Assailants
A vivid crime scene photograph shows the aftermath of this ruthless attack, with the walkway stained by the victim's blood. Eyewitnesses and initial police reports confirm that the assailants fired four shots, leaving behind a scene of chaos. The victim's scooter lay toppled on the road. The police were alerted of this incident at 8:36 AM, and a team immediately responded. DCP confirmed that, as of now, the victim's family has denied any personal enmity or disputes, urging the police to delve deeper to uncover the killers' motives.
Kejriwal Questions Delhi's Law and Order
Former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal expressed his concerns over the deteriorating law and order in Delhi, following the Shahdara shooting. Sharing party leader Saurabh Bhardwaj's post on X, he criticized Amit Shah's governance, claiming that Delhi has become a lawless state, trapping citizens in fear. He urged Delhiites to unite and demand action from the BJP-led government to restore safety and security.
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Brazen Shooting Stopped in Tracks
Aam Aadmi Party leader Saurabh Bharadwaj remarked on the incident, labeling Shahdara as the 'crime capital.' He detailed that early in the morning, the cacophony of gunfire echoed through the streets as utensil merchant Sanjay Jain was returning from his walk on his scooter when he was ambushed by criminals. Reports suggest that six to seven rounds were fired, with all bullets finding their mark on Sanjay Jain.