After Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, Shah Rukh Khan has received death threats. A case has been registered at Mumbai's Bandra police station following the threat to Shah Rukh. During the investigation, the call was traced to Raipur, and a police team has traveled there. The inquiry is ongoing.
What Did the Threat Entail?
The Mumbai police are taking this matter very seriously. The underlying motive behind threatening Shah Rukh Khan is being investigated. A team from Mumbai police has reached Raipur to conduct further inquiries. A threatening call was received at Bandra police station for Shah Rukh Khan. The caller stated that Shah Rukh needs to pay millions to save his life, or face serious consequences, and then disconnected. The caller was identified as Faizan Khan, who is reportedly unreachable. Efforts are being made to track his location.
Mumbai police promptly registered the case, and the accused is charged under sections 308(4) and 351(3)(4) of the Indian Penal Code. A senior officer expressed confidence in capturing the culprit soon. This incident has instigated panic within the industry. Previously, Salman Khan had received similar death threats, continually from gangster Lawrence Bishnoi. Last month, Salman's friend and NCP leader Baba Siddique was murdered.
Will Shah Rukh's Security Be Increased?
Following these events, Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan recently met, as they live nearby. The threatening call sparked speculation about enhancing Shah Rukh Khan’s security. Security around his residence, Mannat, has already been bolstered. A few days back, police had placed barricades outside Mannat. It's reported that Shah Rukh has yet to request additional security but consistently travels with his bodyguard.
Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan both reside in Mumbai’s Bandra area, where Baba Siddique was also murdered. Now, the threatening call at Bandra police station in Shah Rukh’s name raises concerns for many. It is hoped that Mumbai police will apprehend the suspect soon.
Salman Khan Faces Turbulent Times
Due to Lawrence Bishnoi’s threats and Baba Siddique’s murder, Salman Khan has been receiving persistent threats. Considering this, the Maharashtra government has provided him Y+ security. Additionally, police officers have been stationed inside and outside Salman’s residence, Galaxy Apartments. When Salman travels, a police team accompanies him, and additional security is provided from other cities as well.