A thrilling escape from a closed room... Discover the last 55-minute saga of the attack on Saif Ali Khan!

Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan resides with his family at Sadhguru Sharan Apartments in Mumbai's Bandra district. Behind the apartment is a staircase that serves as an emergency fire exit. On the night of January 16, at 1:37 AM, a person climbs the stairs barefoot.
Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan living with his family in Mumbai's Bandra area.

Source: aajtak

In the vibrant locale of Bandra, Mumbai, the prestigious Sadhguru Sharan Apartment is home to Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan and his family. The building's back stairwell, designated as an emergency exit, was the stage for an unusual event. On January 16, at precisely 1:37 AM, a mysterious figure stealthily climbed these stairs, completely barefoot. The person's face was concealed with an orange scarf, and his clothes were marked with dust and grime, signs of scaling walls or slipping through tight spaces.

Fifty-five minutes later, at 2:33 AM, the same individual was seen descending the stairs, now with shoes and an unmasked face. The enigma lies in whether the shoes were fetched from afar or acquired from Saif Ali Khan's home remains unsolved. CCTV footage confirms his ascent at the noted hour.

It likely took him 3 to 5 minutes to reach the door of Saif's house, entering around 1:40 or 1:45 AM. According to Mumbai Police insiders, the intruder might have unlocked Saif's door with a master key, a common tool among professional burglars. What transpired inside remains unknown, with the suspect still at large.

The apartment worker, Isma Philip, provided further details. Saif's duplex home occupies the top floor. That night, it was occupied by the Khans—Saif, Kareena, their sons Taimur and Jeh, alongside three staff members: Isma, caretaker of Jeh, Junu, guardian to Taimur, and a third, Geeta.

The household retired by 11 PM. As midnight passed, Isma detected unusual sounds near Jeh's room at about 2 AM. Assuming it was Kareena checking on Jeh, she initially stayed put but ventured out upon suspicion. In the bathroom, she glimpsed a shadow wearing a cap. Emerging into the hallway, she encountered the intruder approaching Jeh's room.

Saif Ali Khan amid danger

Source: aajtak

Upon seeing Isma, the intruder signaled for her silence, softly demanding, "I want money." When Isma inquired about the amount, he whispered, "One crore." Isma moved toward Jeh, aiming to shield him. But as she did, the man lunged towards her.

The intruder wielded a club-like object in one hand, and a large hex blade in the other. Fearing for Jeh, Isma positioned herself as a barrier, sustaining a cut on her wrist from the blade as she raised her arms defensively, letting out a cry that awakened Junu.

The commotion roused Saif and Kareena from their slumber. Appalled by the stranger in their midst, their entrance startled the intruder. Saif moved to protect Isma, only to be attacked himself. Geeta, arriving on the scene, attempted to mediate.

Recognizing the situation, the assailant drew a knife. In the ensuing melee, Saif, being the lone male, became the primary target until he and Geeta overwhelmed their attacker. Yet, the intruder managed to slip their grip.

Armed and dangerous, the interloper was temporarily contained as the household members fled, locking the room behind them. Believing the intruder trapped, they later found him gone, having escaped through a window leading outside.

Saif Ali Khan immobilized

Source: aajtak

After the intruder's departure, the staff noticed Saif's small yet persistent wounds, both he and Geeta requiring medical attention. With no driver present, Ibrahim, Saif's son, living on the sixth floor, rushed from his abode upon receiving Isma's call.

An auto-rickshaw, fortuitously parked outside, served as their transport to nearby Lilavati Hospital shortly before 3 AM. At the hospital, it became clear Saif was injured more severely than initially thought. Bleeding persisted from deep neck and back wounds, the latter concealing a broken knife shard lodged near his spine. Though six wounds dotted his body, these two were the most critical. Prompt surgery removed the blade fragment, stabilizing Saif's condition.

By evening, Saif was moved from ICU to a private ward. He is on the mend, expected to recover within a week. The night's drama marks just 50-55 fateful minutes in their lives.

This incident at the Bandra address highlights security deficiencies within an upscale residential setting. Despite housing notable residents aside from the Khans, the absence of CCTV and personal security is perplexing. The lack of a visitor log is another oversight, leaving entry and exit unchecked. The rear wall, low and topped with bent wires, is suspected as the intruder's entry point.

Investigation continues in Bandra

Source: aajtak

The emergency staircase offered access to Saif's home, but the knowledge of that path points to potential inside collaboration. Despite Mumbai Police's vast efforts and surveillance across numerous markets, the assailant remains elusive. With a possible hideout within the city, police, meanwhile, apprehended a suspect named Akash from Durg Railway Station, Chhattisgarh. RPF chief Manoj Yadav confirmed the detention, sharing Akash's photo with Mumbai Police. Earlier, another suspect named Shahid was arrested in Girgaon.

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