Congress MP and Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi, visited Sultanpur Court on Friday to record his statement. After recording the statement, his convoy stopped at a cobbler's shop while he was heading back to Delhi. During this time, he spoke with the cobbler and even helped repair shoes and sandals. Rahul Gandhi also had a conversation with the cobbler's son. Seeing Rahul Gandhi seated at the cobbler's shop, people were astonished. In no time, hundreds gathered to catch a glimpse of him.
Rahul Gandhi Inquires About Cobbler's Family
At present, Rahul Gandhi is the MP from Raebareli. On Friday, after recording his statement in the defamation case, he set off for Delhi via the Purvanchal Expressway. However, before reaching the Purvanchal Expressway, his convoy suddenly halted near the intersection of Ayodhya-Prayagraj Highway in Kuarebhar Area's MLA Nagar Square. He stepped out of the vehicle and walked towards Ramchet’s shop, a cobbler. There, he sat beside Ramchet and inquired about his well-being, employment, and the state of Ramchet's household.
Cobbler Cannot Believe His Eyes
During the conversation with the cobbler Ramchet, Rahul Gandhi also discussed issues faced by the underprivileged. Furthermore, he learned from Ramchet the skills of repairing shoes and sandals. Witnessing Rahul Gandhi seated at his shop, Ramchet was overwhelmed with emotion. He couldn't believe his eyes that Rahul Gandhi was at his small shop, mending sandals. Meanwhile, Ramchet even arranged for a cold drink for Rahul Gandhi.
Rahul Gandhi Meets with Locomotive Pilots
After recording his statement at Sultanpur Court, Rahul Gandhi also met with locomotive pilots to check on their well-being. During this time, the locomotive pilots shared with him that the government has started to become aware of their rights and facilities. In response, Rahul Gandhi assured them that he would continue to voice their concerns and ensure they receive justice. It is noteworthy that this was Rahul Gandhi's second meeting with the locomotive pilots.
Rahul Gandhi’s Unique Approach Was Seen Before
This is not the first time that Rahul Gandhi's unique approach has been witnessed. During the Bharat Jodo Yatra, he visited temples, mosques, and gurdwaras to connect and check on people.