The Railway Police registered an FIR after stones were thrown at the Tapti Ganga Express train near Jalgaon station in Maharashtra on Sunday. An official reported that while there were no casualties, the window of the B6 coach sustained damage. According to a Jalgaon Railway Police officer, several passengers on the Surat-Chhapra Tapti Ganga Express reported the stone-throwing incident via social media.
Heading to the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, passengers revealed that stones were thrown at the train about two to three kilometers after departing from Jalgaon station. Consequently, the police have filed a complaint against an unknown individual and initiated an investigation.
Fear Among Passengers
This stone-throwing incident has fostered an atmosphere of fear among the passengers traveling to the Prayagraj Kumbh Mela. In response, passengers have taken to Twitter, posting videos and asking the railway administration to ensure the safety of those traveling in this train.
It's worth noting that incidents targeting the Indian Railways are not uncommon. Recently, a broken railway track was discovered on the Lucknow-Varanasi route in Sultanpur district, Uttar Pradesh, though timely repairs helped avert a potential disaster. Government Railway Police (GRP) informed that the broken track near Bedupara village in the Lambhua police station area was swiftly repaired by railway engineers, preventing a possible mishap.
In another recent event, between Atgaon and Thansit stations in Thane district, Maharashtra, a foot-long piece of iron placed on railway tracks collided with an engine. The overhead wire engine was on its way to Kasara station when it hit the iron piece, which could have caused substantial damage to trains and posed a threat to public safety.
Cylinder Found Previously
Recently in Kanpur, there was an incident involving a cylinder found on the rail line. In the Shivrajpur area, a five-kilogram LPG cylinder was discovered near the railway tracks, stored inside a bag. Fortunately, the cylinder was empty.