The grand Mahakumbh fair has commenced today in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Pilgrims from across the globe have gathered with devotion at the confluence of the Ganges, Yamuna, and the mythical Saraswati. With an expected turnout of over 400 million devotees, the first royal bath sets the stage for a historic spiritual gathering.
To elevate the festive spirit, rose petals will be gracefully showered over the grand expanse of the Mahakumbh fair's 4000 hectares, orchestrated by the garden department using helicopters. VK Singh, the gardening in-charge of the Kumbh Mela, confirmed that meticulous preparations ensure a shower of 20 quintals of rose petals during each auspicious bath day.
To captivate tourists, helicopter rides offering breathtaking aerial views of Mahakumbh's grandeur over Prayagraj city are available. Originally priced at 3,000 INR, the ticket cost has been reduced to 1,296 INR per person, as informed by UP's Minister of Tourism and Culture, Jaiveer Singh. This enchanting 7-8 minute ride presents a unique perspective of the fair's magnificence.
The helicopter ride, priced at 1,296 INR per person, can be booked online at and is operated by the Government of India’s enterprise, Pawan Hans. These rides will operate contingent on weather conditions, ensuring uninterrupted aerial enjoyment. Additionally, visitors can relish water and adventure sports at the fair site. From January 24 to 26, thrilling events like a drone show, water laser display, and other engaging activities will also be held.
This 40-day fair will spotlight mesmerizing performances by India's acclaimed artists, with a special showcase for UP Diwas. On January 16, renowned singer Shankar Mahadevan will perform at the Ganga pandal, followed by the illustrious Mohit Chauhan on February 24, marking the fair's conclusion. This initiative by the tourism department aims to elevate the Kumbh Mela's appeal among tourists.
The first royal bath of Mahakumbh unfolds auspiciously on today's full moon. According to the Hindu calendar, the full moon begins on January 13 at 5:03 AM and concludes on January 14 at 3:56 AM. Six royal baths are scheduled for the fair, with today's being the first. Subsequent baths are set for January 14, 2025, on Makar Sankranti, January 29, 2025, on Mauni Amavasya, February 2, 2025, on Basant Panchami, February 12, 2025, on Magh Purnima, and the concluding bath on February 26, 2025, on Mahashivaratri.