On Sunday, January 5, 2025, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a 13-kilometer extension of the 'Namo Bharat Corridor'. Positioned between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar, this phase introduces the Namo Bharat trains into Delhi for the first time, setting a new precedent for regional connectivity on the Delhi-Meerut route. The track from Sahibabad to Meerut South, already operational for 42 kilometers with 9 stations, will be extended to become a vibrant 55-kilometer corridor featuring 11 stations in total.
Starting January 5 at 5 PM, passengers will have access to Namo Bharat trains every 15 minutes. Fares from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South are set at ₹150 for standard coaches and ₹225 for premium coaches. This corridor, which slashes travel time by one-third, will facilitate a swift 40-minute journey from New Ashok Nagar to Meerut South. To date, Namo Bharat trains have served over 5 million passengers, with construction in other phases rapidly advancing.
The latest section features a 6-kilometer underground stretch, including the Anand Vihar station, marking the first time Namo Bharat trains operate underground. New Ashok Nagar boasts an elevated station, both within Delhi. Anand Vihar's underground station ranks among the largest in the Namo Bharat Corridor, allowing passengers a brisk 35-minute journey to Meerut South, trimming travel times to just 40 minutes from New Ashok Nagar.
Convenience of Anand Vihar Station
The Namo Bharat project prioritizes multi-modal integration, offering seamless and accessible travel in alignment with the PM Gati Shakti National Master Plan. The technical complexity of constructing Anand Vihar station was tackled with innovation and advanced techniques, providing passengers with connectivity to metros, ISBTs, and railway stations across the nation.
Equipped with Extensive Amenities
Designed for passenger convenience, the Namo Bharat project entails facilities like free drinking water and restrooms at the station. Passenger-centric design includes inclusive amenities for seniors and persons with disabilities, monitored round-the-clock by CCTV and featuring emergency provisions.
Each train reserves a coach for women and seats for women, elderly, and disabled passengers in other coaches. Special spaces for wheelchairs and stretchers are provided in Namo Bharat trains. A train attendant is available in every train to ensure passenger assistance, supplemented by panic buttons both inside the coaches and on platform screen doors for emergencies.
Rapid Progress in Other Phases
Over 5 million passengers have traveled with Namo Bharat trains thus far. Construction is progressing swiftly in other phases, like New Ashok Nagar-Sarai Kale Khan and Meerut South-Modipuram. The fully operational Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat Corridor will span 82 kilometers, strategically designed to reduce urban congestion, reliance on vehicles, and emissions. Once complete, it's expected to take over 100,000 private vehicles off the roads and reduce carbon emissions by 250,000 tons annually.
Traffic Diversions on Several Routes
The Delhi Traffic Police issued an advisory anticipating heavy traffic due to a VVIP visit in East Delhi. Traffic flow will be restricted or controlled on the following roads to prevent jams and ensure smooth movement:
1. NH-9 (from Sarai Kale Khan to UP Gate - both carriageways)2. NH-24 (from Sarai Kale Khan to UP Gate - both carriageways)3. Ghazipur Road (Kondli to Noida Link Road)4. New Ashok Nagar Metro Station Road (Sarpanch Chowk to Holiday Inn Red Light)5. Ghazipur Nala Road (Kondli to New Ashok Nagar Metro Station)6. Chilla Border to New Ashok Nagar Metro Station7. Noida Link Road (Chilla Border to Akshardham Temple)
These restrictions will be effective on Sunday, January 5, from 7 AM to 1 PM. The Traffic Police advises residents traveling on Ghazipur Road, New Ashok Nagar Metro Station Road, and Noida Link Road to allocate additional time for their journeys, especially those commuting for work or other important engagements.