The Madhya Pradesh Police have issued a lookout circular for Shahzad Ali, the main accused in the stone-pelting incident at Chhatarpur Police Station, to prevent him from fleeing the country. Meanwhile, during the administrative action, his luxurious mansion was demolished.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Agam Jain stated that the lookout circular is to ensure that the accused Shahzad Ali cannot escape the country. Furthermore, cases have been registered against 46 named individuals and 150 unidentified individuals for their involvement in the rioting and stone-pelting incident.
Initially, Hindu saint Ramgiri Maharaj had allegedly made objectionable remarks against Islam during a religious event in Shah Panchale village, Sinnar Taluka, Nashik District, Maharashtra.
This led to a protest by the Muslim community on August 21, which later turned violent. Around 300-400 people, led by religious leaders, reached the police station, demanding an FIR against Ramgiri Maharaj. Maharaj already faces several FIRs in Maharashtra for his alleged comments against the Prophet.
Reportedly, the crowd suddenly became aggressive and started pelting stones. Following the attack on the police station, the local administration demolished Shahzad Ali's mansion, citing it was illegally constructed.
Also Read: Shahzad Ali's Lavish ₹10 Crore Mansion Demolished, Along with 3 Luxury Cars and 4 Bikes
Meanwhile, the Congress submitted a memorandum to Madhya Pradesh's DGP condemning the 'bulldozer justice' policy. AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi also denounced the demolition of Ali's house, calling it state-sponsored communalism.
In response to such remarks regarding the Chhatarpur incident, Chief Minister Mohan Yadav of Madhya Pradesh remarked that no one is above the law, and the government is operating within constitutional norms.