Netflix's IC-814 web series has sparked controversy. Based on the Kandahar plane hijacking, the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has issued a notice regarding the series. Meanwhile, former DIG of Jammu & Kashmir, S.P. Vaidy, shared the complete story of the IC-814 hijacking with Aaj Tak. He also recounted transporting terrorist Masood Azhar from jail to the airport. According to S.P. Vaidy, Masood Azhar was in Kot Bhalwal Jail and was later taken to Jammu Airport. 'If it were up to me, I would have strangled him and ended his life. I was boiling with anger at the time,' said Vaidy.
S.P. Vaidy, who has also served as the DGP of Jammu & Kashmir, narrated the entire event of December 24, 1999. Masood Azhar was released seven days after the plane hijacking, on December 31, 1999. As the then-DIG, S.P. Vaidy was ordered to release Maulana Masood Azhar from Kot Bhalwal Jail and take him to the Jammu Technical Airport. Reflecting on the IC-814 hijacking, Dr. S.P. Vaidy said, 'I was summoned to police headquarters and instructed to go to Kot Bhalwal Jail to release Maulana Masood Azhar. I was astonished to learn that our government had succumbed to terrorists. It was the most disgraceful moment for our country. When I went to the jail, I instructed the superintendent to release him.'
If it were up to me...
Vaidy continued that Maulana Masood Azhar was eventually released. He ordered the soldiers to cover Azhar's face with a monkey cap, which Azhar refused. Vaidy scolded him, forced him to kneel, and made him wear the cap. National and international media were standing outside the jail. Azhar's body language was arrogant. We covered his face and took him to Jammu Technical Airport. 'If it were up to me, I wouldn't have let him leave alive. I would have strangled him and killed him. But as a duty-bound officer, I had to hand him over to the foreign ministry officials at the Jammu Technical Airport. I was very sad that day. We should never have let him go.'
Never felt so disheartened in life...
Recalling the release of terrorist Maulana Masood Azhar, S.P. Vaidy appeared deeply disheartened. He said, 'I have never felt so disheartened in my life.' This entire incident has been a lifelong torment for me. Our country paid a heavy price for his release. Before the IC-814 hijacking, there were several plots to free Masood Azhar from Kot Bhalwal Jail. On one occasion, a group of seven terrorists plotted to attack Kot Bhalwal Jail to help Masood Azhar escape. We had prior intelligence and successfully eliminated those terrorists.
A tunnel was dug to help Masood escape
Vaidy also mentioned another attempt to free Masood Azhar. A tunnel was dug in the jail to help him escape. We managed to foil that effort as well. S.P. Vaidy said there were several officials within the system who were colluding with the terrorists. Otherwise, a tunnel would not have been dug in the jail to free Masood Azhar. Unfortunately, there are corrupt individuals in the system who would even sell the country. We could not handle the crisis caused by the IC-814 hijacking properly. Our incompetent bureaucracy did nothing and brought immense embarrassment to the country.
Factual inaccuracies cannot be presented
The central government has commented on the IC-814 web series, saying that facts cannot be misrepresented. Emotions cannot be played with. Research must be accurate and facts must be verified. The government questioned why captions are repeatedly used to reveal the real names of the hijackers. Why are the hijackers shown as strong and officers as weak? Netflix responded that they will prioritize national security in the future. The series has been accused of referring to the terrorists by Hindu names, and a boycott trend is circulating on social media.