The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has released its second list for the Haryana Assembly Elections. The list includes names of 21 candidates. The BJP has excluded the tickets of two ministers: current legislator and Education Minister Seema Trikha from Badkhal, and Public Health Minister Dr. Banwari Lal from Bawal. In place of Seema Trikha, the BJP has fielded Dhanesh Adlakha in Badkhal, while Dr. Krishna Kumar will contest in Bawal instead of Banwari Lal. Earlier, the BJP had announced 67 candidates in its first list.
BJP Revokes Tickets for Six Legislators
In its second list, the BJP has revoked tickets for six legislators: Nirmal Rani, Mohan Badoli, Satya Prakash, Seema Trikha, Praveen Dagar, and Jagdish Nair. The party is once again trusting Om Prakash Yadav for the Narnaul seat. Captain Yogesh Bairagi will contest from Julana, while Congress has nominated female wrestler Vinesh Phogat for the same seat.
In Ganaur, the BJP has replaced current legislator Nirmal Rani with Devendra Kaushik. For the Rai seat, state president Mohan Lal Badoli has been sidelined to favor Krishna Gehlawat. Bimla Chaudhary replaces incumbent BJP legislator Satya Prakash in Pataudi. In Badkhal, Seema Trikha's candidacy has been revoked in favor of Dhanesh Adlakha. Manoj Rawat takes the place of Praveen Dagar from Hathin, and Harinder Singh Ramratan replaces Jagdish Nair in Hodal.
Voting on October 5
Notably, voting for Haryana's 90 Assembly seats will occur in a single phase on October 5, with results to be declared on October 8.