In the heart of Madhya Pradesh's Guna, the administration executed a massive operation against the notorious land mafia. At the forefront of this initiative was Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, whose leadership saw 60 bulldozers rolling out to liberate occupied land. With a robust force of 600 workers, this unprecedented action marks a significant blow to mafia operations in the region.
Reports indicate that the villages of Kamalpur and Dedla in Guna were under siege, with land mafia having seized 900 acres of valuable forest land. Upon receiving complaints, the authorities meticulously planned an operation involving 60 bulldozers and 600 personnel to reclaim the territory.
As the 60 bulldozers aligned to begin the reclamation, the sight sent shockwaves through the ranks of the mafia. This strategic and well-coordinated action by the administration struck fear into the hearts of encroachers, who soon realized that resistance was futile. Alongside the bulldozers, the forest department and police orchestrated a synchronized effort, liberating 900 acres from illegal control.
In Dedla village, efforts by the forest team to remove trespassers back in 2016 were thwarted by violent mafia resistance. However, this year saw authorities equipped with robust strategies and manpower undertake a successful operation.
This major operation was executed by a joint force of the forest department and police. Akshay Rathore, the DFO of Guna, noted that this was the largest intervention against the mafia to date, with 60 bulldozers reclaiming 900 acres of land. This relentless operation sends an unequivocal message that illegal occupations will be met with uncompromising resistance.