Who Says Math is Hard? Try These Exam Tricks to Lose No Marks

In the last 15 days,

Source: aajtak

Math Tricks

Source: aajtak

In these remaining 15 days, first, divide the Math syllabus into different parts so you don't spend too much time on difficult topics.

Formulas Tips

Source: aajtak

Create a list of formulas chapter-wise and stick them in your study room. Practice diligently the sections of Math where you find difficulty.

Easy Math Topics

Source: aajtak

Complete the easy Math topics within 2-3 days. Make sure to revise the syllabus and practice questions from each topic before the exam.

Important Geometry

Source: aajtak

The topic of Geometry holds significant importance in Math. In board exams, questions worth 12 marks from Trigonometry, 10 marks from Mensuration, and 11 marks from Statistics and Probability are asked.

Practice Basic Formulas

Source: aajtak

Repeatedly practice the basic formulas and rules of Math. Doing this will ensure you face no trouble in solving questions during the exam.

Focus on Paper

Source: aajtak

Go through all the questions carefully as soon as you receive the question paper in the exam hall. If you read the question attentively, half of it is already solved right there.

Time Management

Source: aajtak

Managing time during the exam is extremely crucial; otherwise, you might not be able to answer all the questions.

Stay Calm

Source: aajtak

Don’t panic during the exam. Often students make mistakes out of nervousness. Always take your exams with confidence.

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