Delhi Police has filed an FIR against the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) over allegations of posting AI-generated photos and videos of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah on the party's official X handle. According to police sources, a case has been registered under relevant sections at the North Avenue Police Station.
Sources indicate that Delhi Police received complaints about objectionable images and videos of the Prime Minister and Home Minister being shared on AAP's official X handle.
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Controversial Videos Posted on AAP's X Handle
According to complaints, these videos were posted on AAP’s handle on January 10 and 13. The complaints allege that deepfake videos were created using 1990s film clips with altered faces of BJP leaders.
BJP Leaders Portrayed as Villains!
In the video clip, BJP leaders were portrayed as villains, with dialogues related to the Delhi elections attached as audio.
An officer discussing the case stated that after examining the complaint, an FIR was registered, and the investigation has commenced.