Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, conducted crucial meetings with Prime Minister Narendra Modi and BJP National President JP Nadda at their residences on Sunday. During the session, CM Yogi first engaged with PM Modi, followed by a discussion with Nadda. The meeting with the Prime Minister extended for over an hour, during which sources revealed that CM Yogi invited Modi to the Maha Kumbh 2025 in Prayagraj. Furthermore, discussions about the upcoming by-elections in the state also took place.
This encounter, held at 7 Lok Kalyan Marg, marked the first face-to-face discussion between the two leaders after the Lok Sabha election results on June 4. The visit happened just a few days before the significant by-elections scheduled for November 13, involving nine assembly seats. Of these, five are currently held by the BJP-led NDA, while the opposing Samajwadi Party (SP) controls four.
Spanning over an hour, this meeting, occurring after Diwali, has been described as a courtesy call by UP's Chief Minister. However, it is seen as significant ahead of the nine-seat by-elections in the state. A video clip by news agency ANI depicted UP's CM departing from the UP Sadan in Delhi.
The assembly by-elections will take place in Cuthehri (Ambedkarnagar), Karhal (Mainpuri), Milkipur (Ayodhya), Meerapur (Muzaffarnagar), Ghaziabad, Majhwara (Mirzapur), Sisamau (Kanpur Nagar), Khair (Aligarh), Phulpur (Prayagraj), and Kundarki (Moradabad).
7000 Buses to Serve Devotees at Maha Kumbh
Preparations are in full swing for the upcoming Maha Kumbh to be held in Prayagraj next year. The Uttar Pradesh State Roadways Transport Corporation (UPSRTC) plans to deploy 7000 buses for the event, ensuring convenience for the visiting devotees. Amongst them, the fleet will include 200 electric buses and potentially more if required.