On Sunday, actors from the Bengali film industry and other prominent figures joined thousands of people in an overnight protest connected to the Kolkata Rape-Murder Case. The demonstration demanded justice for the trainee doctor who was raped and murdered at Kolkata's RG Kar Hospital. Starting at College Square, the rally saw participation from renowned personalities like Aparna Sen, Swastika Mukherjee, Sudipta Chakraborty, Chaiti Ghoshal, and Sohini Sarkar, all marching for justice.
Protesters chanted slogans like 'Justice' and 'Raise Your Voice,' declaring they would stay at the protest site until Monday morning.
During the protest, participants called for a representative from the ruling Trinamool Congress or the administration to meet them and expedite the investigation. They also demanded the arrest of those involved in the crime. The protestors marched and held sit-ins at different locations in Kolkata, including Esplanade and the Jawaharlal Nehru Road-SN Banerjee Road crossing.
Artists from the Bengali film industry, along with demonstrators from the 'Maha Michhil' (Mega Rally), staged a sit-in at the bustling Esplanade area, chanting for justice for the victim. When asked if they would stay until 4 AM, director Birsa Dasgupta informed reporters, "We have emailed the administration and want someone to come and talk to us."
Actress Swastika Mukherjee stated, "We know the CBI is investigating the case, but reports suggest there might be attempts to cover up certain information following the doctor's death. We demand answers."
She added, "The administration may think the protest will wane as the festive season approaches, but it will resume with greater intensity after Durga Puja. We understand small business owners might be affected, but they stand with us."
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Before joining the overnight protest, Aparna Sen emphasized that people from various areas are coming together on the streets to demand justice. Addressing journalists, she said, "If necessary, I will come back on the streets. The common people have the right to demand answers and uncover the truth."
A platform of junior doctors protesting against the rape and murder of the trainee doctor also participated in the overnight protest alongside Bengali film industry actors and celebrities.
In South Kolkata, alumni from Ramakrishna Mission schools and other educational institutions marched from Golpark to Rabindra Sadan Exide Crossing, holding banners with the message ‘Tamso Ma Jyotirgamay’ (Lead me from darkness to light), demanding an unbiased investigation and the arrest of all those involved in the crime.
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In another rally, around 300 former students, along with current pupils and parents from St. John's Diocesan Girls' Higher Secondary School, walked from Minto Park to the school campus and then formed a human chain near AJC Bose Road at Exide Crossing.
CBI Investigating the Case
The Kolkata Police arrested a civil volunteer named Sanjay Roy on August 10 in connection with this case, which is currently under investigation by the CBI. Amid Sunday's protests, female members of the Trinamool Congress, facing criticism over the heinous incident, held demonstrations across various parts of the city. They demanded amendments to the law to ensure the death penalty for rapists.
Meanwhile, the opposition BJP has been staging a sit-in at Esplanade since August 29, demanding the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over her handling of the case.