The Aam Aadmi Party leader and Uttam Nagar MLA Naresh Balyan finds himself in deep waters as the Delhi Police Crime Branch has arrested him. Initially detained over a year-old extortion case, the police moved forward to arrest him. The arrest follows an alleged viral audio involving gangster Kapil Sangwan, also known as Nandu, which is currently under investigation.
Sources from the Crime Branch reveal that Balyan's lack of cooperation during interrogation led to his arrest. The police intend to present Balyan in court to seek remand during the next day.
BJP Releases Audio Clip
Delhi's Crime Branch detained AAP MLA Naresh Balyan in connection with an extortion case (FIR No. 191/23) after an alleged audio clip of a conversation between Balyan and the infamous gangster Kapil Sangwan emerged, discussing extortion from traders. BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia released the alleged audio clip, leading to government action against Balyan.
BJP Questions: Will Balyan Be Expelled?
Prior to this, BJP leader Gaurav Bhatia accused AAP MLA Naresh Balyan of engaging in criminal activities with the alleged approval of party leader Arvind Kejriwal. During a press conference, Bhatia posed questions regarding Balyan's expulsion from the party, referencing an audio clip where Balyan allegedly discusses intimidating and extorting money from a builder. He claimed this reflects on AAP's and its leadership's modus operandi.
Gaurav Bhatia Accuses AAP
Bhatia asserted that in the audio clip, Balyan addressed the gangster as 'brother' and threatened a builder. Discussions between them reportedly involved demands for ransom and plans to distribute the extorted funds. Bhatia expressed that such behavior is unacceptable for any legislator, stating that it seems plausible within a party led by Kejriwal.
Questions Raised by Virendra Sachdeva?
Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva questioned why Naresh Balyan didn’t seek a court order to remove old audio recordings from platforms like YouTube if they were court-banned. Sachdeva demanded a response from Sanjay Singh regarding other AAP legislators, including Amanatullah Khan, Prakash Jarwal, Sharad Chauhan, and more, facing serious criminal charges.
Who is Gangster Kapil Sangwan?
Kapil Sangwan, alias Nandu, is a notorious gangster currently residing in the UK. Originating from Najafgarh in Delhi, he has over 20 criminal cases registered against him. Kapil was the mastermind behind the Haryana Nafe Singh murder case and also involved in the assassination of BJP leader Surendra Matiala. Nandu has been living in the UK for the past five years after previously being imprisoned in Delhi. He is known for extortion activities and orchestrating murders in Delhi-NCR, including arranging the 2023 assassination of a BJP leader in Uttam Nagar, Delhi.