In a special show 'Dangal' on Aaj Tak on Thursday, Himachal Pradesh Minister Aniruddh Singh, who raised questions on his own government regarding an illegal construction issue in the assembly, said that it's only about illegal construction and certain political groups are trying to give it a Hindu-Muslim angle.
'Owaisi is not a national leader'
Minister Aniruddh Singh, who raised the issue of illegal construction in the assembly, stated, 'The issue is solely about illegal construction. Various organizations are trying to make it into a Hindu-Muslim conflict. Illegal construction began in 2010 and despite sending numerous notices, these people haven't stopped. The major fault lies with the officials.'
He added, 'This action should take place as soon as possible. This land belongs to the Himachal Pradesh government. For 14 years there has been a case, with 44 hearings. We believe a decision should be made soon.' On Owaisi's statement, Singh commented, 'He is our elder but he is only the leader of a specific community. He isn't a leader for the entire country or any secular party. He is furthering his political agenda under the name of the community.'
BJP says- a single day is enough for action
When former Chief Minister Jairam Thakur was asked about the allegations that BJP is trying to give a Hindu-Muslim color to this issue, he responded, 'That is not the case. This matter emerged differently. A conflict arose and those involved sought refuge in a mosque. It was discovered that the issue of giving shelter to wrong people in the mosque had been emerging for a long time. The case was registered in Shimla Corporation in 2010. The construction was completed before 2018. Our government came in 2018.'
Thakur said, 'These facts were either hidden earlier or did not come to light. However, now the state government minister himself has stated that the building's construction is illegal. A tailor came years ago and started his shop there. Subsequently, he brought in more people and further constructions began, eventually leading to a four-story structure existing today.'
He added, 'If the mosque is illegally constructed, it should definitely be taken down. There should be no delay; it should be done immediately. That's what the people demand. If the government wants to take action, a single day is enough. All facts are on the table. Action can be taken within a day.'
Mosque's cleric states- the mosque has existed since before 1947
Talking to Aaj Tak, the cleric of the mosque said, 'This mosque has been there since before 1947. It was smaller back then. The case is ongoing in court.' On the question of illegal construction, he said, 'The matter is in court; what can I say about it.' The cleric added, 'No work has been done for the past 9 years. The work started in 2007. The Waqf Board oversees all issues related to the construction.'
Aniruddh Singh raises questions in the assembly
Aniruddh Singh, the Minister of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Himachal Pradesh, made strong comments in the assembly regarding the mosque construction issue. He stated, 'It's difficult for women to walk through the Sanjauli market. There are thefts occurring, and incidents of love jihad, which are dangerous for the state and the nation. The mosque has been illegally constructed. Initially, one floor was constructed, followed by others without permission, ultimately leading to a five-story mosque. Why haven't the electricity and water supplies to the illegally constructed mosque been cut off?' he questioned the administration.
'External elements behind the violence'
He stated that it's difficult for women to walk through the Sanjauli market, and he has personally witnessed the inappropriate comments made at women by the troublemakers. He also mentioned the increase in criminal activities like drug peddling and thefts in the area along with the issue of 'love jihad', which he labeled as a significant threat to the region and the country. Singh asserted that the locals are not responsible for the clashes and violence in the area; instead, external elements instigate these issues, and local residents merely react to them.
He demanded that Chief Minister ensures proper verification of individuals coming to work in the state. Singh emphasized that only Himachali bona fide citizens should be given vending licenses. The opposition also supported Aniruddh Singh on this matter, intensifying the pressure on the government to take appropriate action.