Telangana police have successfully detained a female Naxalite who had a hefty bounty of 10 million rupees. The accused, identified as Sujata, was a key figure in several significant Naxalite incidents in Sukma, Chhattisgarh.
According to the police, the woman was apprehended while seeking medical treatment in Mahabubnagar, Hyderabad. Authorities are hopeful her interrogation will provide valuable intelligence on Naxalite operations.
The dramatic arrest of Sujata by the Telangana police could mark a turning point in the ongoing conflict with Naxalites. Her capture might unravel the intricate networks of the insurgent groups.
Sources state that Sujata is the widow of Naxalite leader Koteshwar Rao, also known as Kishanji. When Kishanji was neutralized by police in 2011, she moved from Bengal to Bastar, where she became active and held various key positions, including the charge of the Bastar Divisional Committee.