The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, initiated the Makar Sankranti festivities by offering the first 'khichdi' at the Gorakhnath Temple in Gorakhpur. Following the traditional prayers and rituals, he extended his heartfelt greetings for the festival to the people of the state. CM Yogi emphasized that festivals serve as a bridge for social and national unity.
CM Yogi stated, “Today marks the auspicious occasion of Makar Sankranti. I offer my warm wishes to the residents, saints, and the common people. Makar Sankranti celebrates the time-honored tradition of India, dedicated to the Sun God. This event is cherished with reverence across all directions – North, South, East, and West. Through this, the followers of Sanatan Dharma are united by our respected saints. In various regions, it is observed in different forms: as Bihu in the East, Lohri in Punjab, Tilua Sankranti in Bengal and Maharashtra, and Khichdi Sankranti in Northern India.
Maha Kumbh's Astonishing Scale: Yogi Adityanath
CM Adityanath remarked that a multitude of devotees are making khichdi offerings at the Mahayogi Guru Gorakhnath Temple. The first grand bathing of this century's Maha Kumbh is underway at Prayagraj. The spectacle is beyond imagination. Yesterday, over 15 million devotees participated in the sacred dip. Since 3 AM, countless devotees have been cleansing their spirits at the Sangam. Numerous international devotees have joined this divine experience. Across the state, devotees partake in ritual baths in rivers and ponds, expressing gratitude for the chance to offer khichdi to Baba Gorakhnath. Throughout the day, millions will visit to pay their respects.
Maintain Cleanliness of Temples and Shrines: CM Yogi
CM Yogi stressed the importance of maintaining the sanctity of festivals. It is important to ensure that our temples and shrines remain clean. Avoid using plastic. Both the government and various volunteer organizations are diligently working together. Celebrate Makar Sankranti with devotion alongside this sacred bathing. Wishing you all a very Happy Makar Sankranti.