Follow These Small Tips for Thriving Gardens Overflowing with Flowers, Fruits, and Vegetables

Nowadays, significan

Source: aajtak

Tips for kitchen gardening

Source: aajtak

There's a noticeable shift in people's eating habits nowadays. Individuals are turning towards fresh and chemical-free fruits and vegetables to enhance their immunity. Many market-sold fruits and vegetables are grown using chemicals and fertilizers, which can lead to several health issues.

Benefits of organic gardening

Source: aajtak

Amidst this, people are opting for kitchen gardening to grow fruits and vegetables organically. This practice allows access to fresh produce right at home. However, those gardening at home often worry about getting good yields and plant growth. Let’s explore some tips to achieve a bountiful kitchen garden.

Garden preparation

Source: aajtak

For optimal plant yield in kitchen gardening, filling pots with the right soil mixture is crucial. Often plants don't bear fruits well due to insufficient nutrients in the soil. Incorporating vermicompost and sand into the soil improves plant growth and yield.

Watering techniques

Source: aajtak

Yield can also be affected by improper fertilization and watering schedules. Most plants in a kitchen garden start fruiting within 3-4 months. Thus, special care is required during this period. After initially planting a sapling, lightly water it to moisten the soil.

Preventing overwatering

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Only conduct the next watering once the soil's moisture dries out. Avoid overwatering as it can rot the plant's roots. For fertilization, 1-2 teaspoons of organic fertilizer every 30-45 days is sufficient. This is the proper way to provide fertilizer and water.

Organic pest control

Source: aajtak

Following this method enhances the growth of plants and their fruits. Besides water and fertilizer, safeguarding plants from pests is essential. Avoid using chemical pesticides. Instead, brew neem leaves in water or use buttermilk as a natural pesticide.

Sunlight exposure for plants

Source: aajtak

Moreover, select a gardening spot with ample sunlight, as shady areas can increase the risk of pests and soil fungus. Applying these practices will accelerate plant growth, filling your garden with bountiful fruits and vegetables.

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