India's Defense Minister Rajnath Singh will be on a tour of Russia from December 8 to 10. Ahead of his visit, a Russian media institution, Sputnik, shared a captivating video on their X handle, highlighting India's formidable nuclear arsenal with the caption 'India's TOP 5 nuclear-capable missiles that pack a punch...Watch them all in action.' You can view the video below.
Braving through Agni-V ICBM
The Agni-V Intercontinental Ballistic Missile, a masterpiece by DRDO and BDL, is a game-changer in strategic capabilities with a range surpassing 5000 km and the ability to impact at a phenomenal speed of 29,401 km/hr with its nuclear payload.
Mastery of BrahMos Supersonic Missile
The BrahMos, India's crown jewel in supersonic cruise missiles, serves all branches of the Indian armed forces and is known for its unrivaled speed and precision, coupled with its multi-role adoption across platforms like the mighty Sukhoi-30 MKI.
Dominance of K-4 SLBM
A strategic submarine-launched ballistic missile, the K-4 is designed to give India a second-strike capability, decisively expanding its triad potential to maritime depths.
Precision with Prithvi SRBM
Designed for quick tactical engagements, the Prithvi Short Range Ballistic Missile showcases flexibility accompanied by technological finesse to overcome anti-ballistic defenses.
K-15 Sagarika's Strategic Edge
The K-15 Sagarika missile is a cornerstone in India's nuclear deterrent strategy, capable of being deployed from submarines and bringing new levels of stealth and decisiveness.
Explore these advanced systems that not only symbolize India’s robust defense strategy but also highlight its technological advancements in modern warfare.