The BJP announced its first list of candidates for the Haryana assembly elections, featuring 67 names. Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has been nominated from Ladwa, while Anil Vij will contest from Ambala. Arvind Sharma has been given a ticket from Gohana.This list also includes three former MLAs from JJP: Devendra Babli from Tohana, Ramkumar Gautam from Safidon, and Anoop Dhanak from Uklana.
9 Incumbent MLAs Dropped, Two Candidates Changed Seats
According to the first list, the BJP has dropped tickets for 9 incumbent MLAs. These include Deepak Mangla from Palwal, Narendra Gupta from Faridabad, Sudhir Singla from Gurugram, Vishamber Valmiki from Bawani Khera, Cabinet Minister Ranjit Chautala from Rania, Sitaram Yadav from Ateli, former Minister Sandeep Singh from Pehowa, State Minister Sanjay Singh from Sohna, and Laxman Napa from Ratia.
Highlights of This List
Arvind Sharma, who contested the Rohtak seat in the Lok Sabha elections, will run from Gohana. Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini will contest from Ladwa in the Kurukshetra Lok Sabha constituency, not from Karnal. The BJP has fielded Jagmohan Anand from Karnal. Meanwhile, incumbent MLA and State Minister Vishamber Valmiki from Bawani Khera has been dropped. Shruti Chaudhary has been given a ticket from Tosham, and Arti Rao, daughter of Rao Inderjit, will contest from Ateli.
Note that voting for all 90 seats of the Haryana legislative assembly will take place in a single phase. All polls will be conducted on October 5, and results will be announced on October 8 following the counting of votes. The Haryana Assembly term is set to end on November 3, 2024. The last legislative elections were held in October 2019. Following the 2019 elections, the BJP and JJP formed a coalition government. The BJP holds 40 seats, Congress has 31, with 19 seats held by independents or others. Initially, elections were scheduled for October 1 with results on October 4, but dates were adjusted due to festivals.
BJP Formed Government for the First Time in 2014
In the 2014 Haryana legislative assembly elections, the BJP won for the first time, securing 47 seats and forming a majority government. The INLD won 19 seats, making it the runner-up, while Congress secured 15 seats. In the 2019 elections, no party reached the majority mark, with the BJP emerging as the largest party with 40 seats. Congress was close behind with 31 seats. The newly-formed Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) won 10 seats, while the INLD managed only one seat.