Apple introduced the sleekest smartwatch yet, the Apple Watch Series 10, at their event on Monday. Described as the slimmest smartwatch, it features fast charging and new watch faces along with a water resistance up to 50 meters.
The company has revealed that this model enhances accuracy compared to older versions and provides users with superior brightness and a larger display. The watch is also lightweight, available in three color options.
Apple claims that the Watch Series 10 can charge up to 80% in just 30 minutes. The titanium watch option is available in three different colors, with new straps provided.
The Apple Watch Series 10 is only 9.7 millimeters thick, making it 10% thinner and lighter than the Apple Watch Series 9. Featuring a larger OLED screen, users can easily read texts and other content right on the watch.
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The Apple Watch Series 10 is available in two case sizes: 42mm and 46mm, powered by the new S10 SiP (System in Package) with a 4-core neural engine.
The Watch Series 10 includes a polished aluminum finish and a new metal for the back panel. It is water-resistant up to 50 meters.
This is the first watch to feature Sleep Apnea Detection, pending FDA approval. Using its accelerometer, the watch analyzes users' breathing while they sleep. Sleep Apnea is a condition where breathing stops during sleep. The watch monitors heart rate, breathing patterns, and brain activity of patients.
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The Apple Watch Series 10 starts at $399 and will be available for purchase on September 20th. The initial price for the GPS variant is $499.
Powered by the S10 chip, the watch includes a range of artificial intelligence features. It boasts capabilities like crash detection and allows for double-tap functionality. The device runs on WatchOS 11 and incorporates numerous machine-learning features.